For the sequel to their acclaimed self-titled 2012 debut, Will Holland and his host of Colombian musicians this time traveled to Isla de Providencia, an island located between Puerto Rico and Jamaica and these days part of the Colombian Department of Archipelago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. The island was first colonized by the British, who, among other things, established a puritan colony, but it was also home to English privateers like Henry Morgan, who used the island as a base to attack the Spanish fleet. The island was conquered by the Spanish in 1641, and today is a melting pot of English, Spanish and African influences, thus perfectly reflecting the Caribbean identity Ondatropica was looking for, for 'Baile Bucanero' (roughly translated "dance of the buccaneers" and thus also a nod to the island's privateer past). Or as they summarize it themselves: "A group of musicians transformed into buccaneers, raising a toast to their treasure: melodies and grooves!" It all results in an intoxicating party in which Colombian genres like champeta criolla ('Bogota', an ode to the capital of Colombia by Michi Sarmiento, revamped for the occasion), and cumbia ('Malaria', 'Cumbia De Los Bucaneros', 'Soy Campesino') smoothly blend with typical Caribbean genres like calypso ('Commotion', 'Lazylypso') and dancehall/reggae ('Come Back Again', ' Trustin''), and for 'Hummingbird' the band even goes afrobeat.