
Jaro Milko & The Cubalkanics - Zivot (Jasha! Records)
On 'Cigaros Explosivos', the 2014 album debut by Jaro Milko & The Cubalkanics, the Swiss band presented a refreshing mix of Balkan influences with Cuban rhythms. In the years that followed, whenever he was not touring, Jaro Milko travelled to countries like Greece, Turkey and Israel, and those musical influences have also made their way into the musical mix of the band.

Jaro Milko & The Cubalkanics - Cigarros Explosivos! (Asphalt Tango Records)
Jaro Milko, a musician of Czech descent who grew up in Basel, Switzerland, began his musical career in the Balkan-scene among other things as a member of Swiss band Prekmurski Kavbojci.
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