If you like your dub dark and cold like the Scandinavian winters, then definitely check out these two EP's by Danish producer 2000F (2000F is the post code of Frederiksberg, a suburb of Copenhagen, and the birthplace of Frederick Börket-Smith). For 'Mennesker I & II' 2000F drew inspiration from Norse mythology. Title 'Mennesker' is the Danish translation of the Norwegian rune m, translating as man or mankind and, just like most runes having both a positive and a negative connotation. The tracks on 'Mennesker Del I' were inspired by Mjølner, Thor's hammer, and Tanngrisnir ("snarler"), one of the goats that pulled Thor's chariot. When Thor cooks the goats, their flesh provides sustenance for the god, and, after he just resurrects them with his hammer, so they can once again pull his chariot. On 'Mennesker Del II' Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged Stallion, and Tandgnjost ("tandenknarser"), Thor's other goat, are the subjects of 2000F's compositions.