No two Reggaeland albums are the same. Singer Jah's (Ginjah's younger brother) vocal qualities are not into question, as he didn't become the 2008 laureate of the Magnum King and Queen of the Dancehall Competition for nothing, but production-wise 'Warrior Of Jah Army' has a few issues and it are the three remixes that conclude the track list that are particularly hard to digest. The songs over trusted Reggaeland riddims ('Prayers 2 Di Most High' over Cultura, 'Try & Do Good' over Dem Talking, 'No Giving Up' over Reggae Reasoning and 'Never Forget' over the Jamroots riddim, which we still recognized from Txilum's 'No Es Fa Amb Un Dia') keep the album afloat. Personal favorite from the track list is 'Help 4 Di Youths', again over a riddim yours truly recognized from Txilum ('L'Ull De L'Àliga') but was renamed High On Love. In conclusion we'd like to add that like many of his colleagues Singer Jah has also created his own battle cry: no idea where he got it from or what it means, but in Jamaica his "waasskaa" is already a little hype. Fresh talent we certainly haven't seen the last of yet!