Fans of Singing Melody remained dissatisfied, because it had been a decade since the former L.U.S.T. member delivered his last album. That being said 'They Call Me Mr. Melody' was worth the wait. Those who are already familiar with Melody's previous work, know he is one of the better lovers rock artists of his generation. With 'They Call Me Mr. Melody' (the title is a nod to 'They Call Me Mister Tibbs!', a 1970 film with Sidney Poitier) Melody confirms his status; a few exceptions ('Leaders Of The World' and the duets with U Roy and Lymie Murray, 'Smile' and 'Reggae To The Bone') notwithstanding, the track list of this album is once again packed with sweet-voiced love songs. Highflyers are the solid 'Must Be The Girl', the catchy 'Don't Cry' and the social criticism 'Leaders Of The World'. The big miss on the album is 'Cry Me A River ', a stinker readymade for the MTV dustbin.