In the Egypt of just after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the development of popular music and cinema longtime went hand in hand. For 'Nostalgique Egypte' Buda Musique collected a number of gems from the period between 1925 and 1960, the golden age of Egyptian musical cinema. The so-called taqtuqa was played by takht orchestras and made famous in the entire Arab world by figures like Umm Kulthum and Mohamed Abdel Wahab. That being said, this compilation also contains compositions by a number of lesser-known artists (Mohamed Fawzi, Mahmoud Choukoukou, Laure Dakkache, Sekinah Hassan…), of which a large number have roses as a theme ('Al Ward Gamil (Les Belles Roses)', 'Al Ward (La Rose)', 'Ward Aleih (Des Roses Sur Toi)'...). The compilation concludes with two instrumentals or taqsims. Nice bit of nostalgia for those who want to be swept away to the fairy tale world of 'One Thousand And One Nights'.