
Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra - Duivelsblauw (Dox Records)
The repertoire of Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra seems to be less and less limited to the restraints their band name imposes on them, as they once again prove on their new long player 'Duivelsblauw'.

Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra - Black Panther (Self-published)
In the past Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra already covered as song by Serbian gypsy icon Saban Bajramovic on multiple occasions, nicknamed Black Panther, and now dedicates this entire album to the man's legacy.

Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra - Kilo Gipsyska (Self-published)
'Kilo Gipsyska', Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra's third album to date, might just provide this Antwerp based party orchestra with the international breakthrough they were looking for.

Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra - I Lumia Mo Kher (Excelsior Recordings/V2)
Those who caught Jan Leyers' passage through the Romani ghetto of Krakow ('De Weg Naar Het Avondland', Episode 10, CANVAS/VPRO) know Romani people are quite fond of our little country and it would far from amaze us if the musical reputation of Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra had something to do with that.
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