
Onom Agemo And The Disco Jumpers - Magic Polaroid (Agogo Records)
German quintet Onom Agemo And The Disco Jumpers continue to evolve, straying ever further from the instrumental band they still were on 'Cranes And Carpets', their 2015 debut album.

Onom Agemo And The Disco Jumpers - Liquid Love (Agogo Records)
If you thought Onom Agemo was the name of an obscure afrobeat legend, you'd be sorely mistaking, because behind Onom Agemo And The Disco Jumpers hides a German Berlin based quartet (and maybe also try reading Onom Agemo backwards, that might help a little).

Onom Agemo And The Disco Jumpers - Cranes And Carpets (Agogo Records)
'Cranes And Carpets' is the entirely instrumental debut album by Berlin based Onom Agemo And The Disco Jumpers, a quintet around multi-instrumentalist Johannes Schleiermacher (keyboards, percussion, winds) giving its groovy and slightly psychedelic take on genres like afrobeat ('No Stitches', 'Trudy The Monster'.
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