
Pixvae - Cali (Buda Musique)
Yours truly got to know Colombian-French combo Pixvae, composed of members of French math rock formation Kouma and Colombian Bambazu, specialized in traditional music from the Pacific region of Colombia, in 2016 thanks to their self-titled debut which featured Colombian currulao rhythms clashing with jazzcore.

Nilamayé - Las Flores Del Sol + Pixvae - Pixvae (Buda Musique)
'Las Flores Del Sol' immediately evokes memories of the work of the queen of Afro-Colombian music: Toto La Momposina, but thanks to the extensive liner notes by Carlos Blasco Miñana, ethnomusicologist at the University of Bogota, and the anthropologists Denis Laborde and Jaime Andres Salazar (the latter also responsible for the majority of the tracks on the album), one could almost consider 'Las Flores Del Sol' like a mini encyclopedia on everything related to Afro-Colombian culture.
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